here we go with few hints. First, you have to consider that the learning process, for whatever matter is concerned, is something closely related to individuals and that a method good for me is not necessarily good for you. Anyway, I’m glad to share some thoughts about the course and what is working for me.
As first step, here are a couple of tools for Linux you may install to help you and that are not strictly related to PTS v2, but are helpful in general:
Tldr: have a look here to understand what tldr is and how to install it in Kali Linux
Navi: have a look here to understand what Navi is and how to install it in Linux
About the PTS v2 course: as you saw, it is a 144 hours course. If you split it in – let’s say - chunks of 4 hours per day, 5 days per week (human brains need rest to assimilate new matters at best, so a weekly break is advisable) you’ll need around 6 weeks to finish it. However, according the way the two instructors teach matters in the videos, you can squeeze such time for sure.
Josh Mason is a slow speaker (at least, for me) so I increased the video speed to 1.25% and enabled the subtitles to make sure I do not miss anything important.
Alexis Ahmed is very thoroughly and precise… sometimes, too much (again, for me). Therefore, when I saw he is talking about something that for me is obvious, I skip small parts of the videos, pressing the right arrow key. This can actually squeeze (quite a bit) the time spent on his lessons.
For me is also fundamental taking key notes about every lesson, so that I can review them later to memorize better the key concepts included inside the lessons. For this task, I use the software Cherrytree
It should be already installed in your Kali Linux VM, but I use it in Windows. It works like a charm and it is very useful to synthesize the lessons inside the course. In Windows 10, pressing the key combination Shift-WinKey-S, it’s easy capturing the slides included in the lessons and put them inside a Cherrytree node, together with your personal annotations, links, cheat-sheets and so on.
Well, it’s all for now, I hope it could help you in some way.