I’ve been taking the eJPT test yesterday for about 8hrs straight. I cannot get a shell on the very first machine with metasploit. That is the only method learned on the eJPT courseware here at INE. I get an exploit failed: Rex::Proto::SMB::Exceptions::ErrorCode The server responded with error: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND (Command=162 WordCount=0 That’s a glitch on INE’s side. It had me trying to hack into a Browser Pipe that wasn’t even available on their end because it’s in a crashed state. I’m beyond disappointed. To their credit, the labs in training work, but if the actual test lab …the REAL test lab, isn’t working then that’s just plain heartbreaking. I thought it was something I did wrong. I spent hours upon hours and then I found a post online that breaks down what that error actually means. I’m really disappointed in this company. I paid for a year of Premium, plus the cert cost and the 8hrs I just spent killing myself to win at this test, I didn’t even take any breaks… I was a machine, and all for nothing. There’s no way this hasn’t happened to other people in the past. In another 48 hrs or so, I’m going to have to submit a blank test for a zero. There’s no way the support team will reach out to me in time, before the weekend is over. I am going to have to get a refund at this point.
I’m sorry to hear about this. I was about to take the exam, or very close to it, just revising my material, but now that you mentioned that there are problems with the exam itself. Well, that’s not good. A product is only as good as its service.
Someone finally reached out from INE offering me to retake it. I’m not sure if that’s the best course of action. I already feel betrayed.